Vinyasa Yoga is a dynamic style of yoga where each posture moves smoothly from one pose to the next, creating a fluid sequence of movements which helps to improve muscular strength, balance, flexibility and mobility. The connection of movement with breathe, along with the guided meditation at the end of the class, also helps to create a clearer and calmer mind.
Up Next in Autumn
Easter Home Equipment Weighted Workou...
A fun weighted workout that you can do with items found in your own home!
Step with Lisa Easter Sunday Special ...
A challenging class, both physically and mentally to really improve fitness, coordination and brain power. The instructor choreographs easy step moves to funky songs. Simple options are provided so this class is suitable for all fitness levels.
Pump with Chev Easter Monday 9.30 AM ...
Suitable for all fitness levels. Incorporates barbells & adjustable weights to tone and condition muscles whilst raising your metabolic rate for rapid fat burning.