Break up your day by following this full body stretch and mobility routine designed to keep your posture proud and your stresses low.
Prolonged sitting is linked to several serious health issues related to being overweight, however the goal of this video is to address the built up stresses from all aspects of life that our body holds onto if not released in a healthy way. If you suffer from muscular aches and pains from the desk this video is going to be great for you. The desk + chair put our bodies in an compromised position for 8+ hours per day, usually 5/6 days per week.
The focus for this video is during the movements and stretches, turning your attention inwards towards your breathing and lengthening the muscles and releasing stress with each exhale.
The things that get scheduled are the things that get done. Our bodies are built to move so break up your day and schedule this routine into your workday.
Up Next in Season 1 Autumn 2020
AJ’s Abs Workout
A Short Ab workout where you can control the amount of sets as each exercise is set for a 30 sec phase. Aj has tailored a continual Abdominal workout to keep you burning.
Nutrition talk with Sam
Join qualified Nutritionist Sam Norcliffe for a Q&A on all nutrition, Are you sourcing adequate nutrition to back your training? Why are Carbs important? Let Sam answer anything you need to know.
Chest Hints & Tips with Simon 06/01/21
Bench press hints & tips, the best ways, variations & techniques with our Fitness Manager Simon.